Q: To which ancient civilisation, can the first instance of writing be traced back to?
Mesopotamia was a region comprising many cultures over time speaking different languages. The earliest known writing was invented there around 3400 B.C.
Indus Valley Civilisation
Mesopotamian Civilisation
Egyptian Civilisation
Inca Civilisation
A: 2
Q: What were some of the earliest writing materials used in ancient China?
In ancient China, records of divination rituals were found carved into the surface of animal bones.
Animal bones
Metal plates
Stone tablets
A: 2
Q: Wax tablets were commonly used in ancient cultures?
Inscribed writing can also be found on wax tablets. Entering Greek and Roman culture via Egypt, wax tablets became one of the most commonly available writing materials throughout the region.
Greek and Roman
A: 3
Q: The first evidence of writing with ink dates back to which ancient civilisation?
The first evidence of writing with ink comes from Egypt, almost as early as incised hieroglyphs (3200 BC).
Egyptian civilisation
Chinese civilisation
Greek civilisation
Indus Valley civilisation
A: 1
Q: What type of pen was commonly used for Arabic and Persian calligraphy?
Reeds have been made into pens for several thousands of years in the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and Europe. The most reliable is the common reed, Phragmites australis from Iraq.
Quill pen
Metal pen
Bamboo pen
Reed pen
A: 4