The Social Dialogue Report of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), released in Geneva on Wednesday (December 11, 2024), has recommended the governments to uphold fundamental principles and rights at work, especially freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
The report, focusing on ‘peak-level social dialogue’ (PLSD), also asked the member countries to equip labour administrations and social partners with the necessary resources and technical capacities for effective participation in PLSD.
It found that countries’ compliance with freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining had deteriorated by 7% between 2015 and 2022. “This decline was driven by an increase in violations of the fundamental civil liberties and bargaining rights of employers, workers, and their representative organisations,” the report said.
The report argues that social dialogue can enable countries to pursue economic development alongside social progress, while ensuring fair and inclusive low-carbon and digital transitions. The ILO has also recommended the national social dialogue institutions (NSDIs) of various countries to expand their outreach to under-represented groups. Conducting regular, evidence-based evaluations of the role and influence of PLSD institutions in socio-economic decision-making is another suggestion in the report.
The report adds that PLSD involves processes that bring together representatives of governments, employers’ and business membership organisations (EBMOs) and workers’ organisations (the social partners) at the national and sectoral levels. “These processes are designed to facilitate negotiation, consultation and information exchange on issues relating to labour, economic and social policy. PLSD includes bipartite processes – where only the social partners engage, notably for reaching collective agreements – as well as tripartite processes, which also involve government representatives,” the report said.
For fair solutions
“This edition of the Social Dialogue Report is published amid economic and geopolitical instability,” said ILO’s Assistant Director-General for Governance, Rights and Dialogue Manuela Tomei. “In a context where technological advances, climate change and demographic shifts are deeply transforming labour markets, social dialogue remains a credible governance model for navigating complexity, identifying fair solutions and advancing social justice,” Ms. Tomei said releasing the report.
The report is prepared based on case studies, industrial relations data, a global review of PLSD processes and outcomes and a perceptions survey of 71 employers’ and workers’ organisations in 38 countries, including India, on the effectiveness and inclusiveness of the NSDI.
The report has highlighted the experience of Rajasthan that brought in the Platform Based Gig Workers (Registration and Welfare) Bill to provide for the establishment of the Rajasthan Platform Based Gig Workers Welfare Board. “The welfare board has 12 members, six from the government and two representatives each of gig workers, aggregators and civil society,” the report said.
Published – December 11, 2024 10:22 pm IST