Actor Mohanlal said here on Saturday that the recent dark clouds that emerged over the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA) had vanished.
“We are seeing the light now as the black patch is no more there,” he said at a family meet of the association held here after it had faced a major setback following the dissolution of the executive committee led by the actor on August 27, 2024 in the wake of allegations of sexual assault and misbehaviour raised by women against its members.
He said many were not aware of the various welfare programmes initiated by the association. “We can take many such measures not only for our members, but for the public too,” he said.
Actor and Union Minister Suresh Gopi said the association’s abbreviation would be AMMA and not ‘A. M. M. A’ as being portrayed by a few outside. He said the association would have a leadership that would be a mix of the experienced and new-generation members.
Published – January 05, 2025 01:32 am IST