Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee issued what amounted to a snub to Tamil Nadu minister Udhyanidhi Stalin over his “Sanatana Dharma” remarks that has set off a political maelstrom and drawn multiple BJP barbs. It also appears to have put Opposition bloc INDIA in a quandary, necessitating diplomatic skills of the leaders to preserve unity.
Ms Banerjee, who has maintained silence for over a day, spoke up after Congress comments on the issue.
The Trinamool Congress chief, who had recited scriptures ahead of the assembly polls in face of BJP allegations of minority appeasement, declared, “We should not be involved in any matter which might hurt a section of people”.
“As far as the remarks (of Udhayanidhi Stalin) is concerned, he is a junior. From my side, I am not clear about why and on what grounds he has made the comment. I feel that each and every religion should be equally respected,” Ms Banerjee said this evening, hours after her party spokesman called the comments “unfortunate”.
“I respect the people of Tamil Nadu and South India. But my humble request to them is that to respect all as every religion has separate sentiments,” Ms Banerjee said.
“India is a secular and a democratic country. India is about ‘Unity in Diversity’ which is our origin. I respect Sanatan Dharma and we derive our learnings from the Vedas… We have so many purohits and our state government offers pension to them… We have so many temples across the country. We visit temples, mosques, and churches,” she added.