India’s star tennis player Rohan Bopanna playing along with Rutuja Bhosale entered into the next round with a win over Uzbekistan’s duo Maksim Shin-Agkul Amanmuradova in mixed doubles Round 2 match at the Hangzhou Asian Games on Monday. The Indian duo won the match in straight sets 6-2, 6-4 in just 1:04 minutes at the HOC Tennis Centre. However, in the men’s double, Rohan Bopanna and Yuki Bhambri made a shocking exit in the round 2 match at the Asian Games 2023 on Monday. Rohan Bopanna’s loss in the round 2 match came as a surprise to many as he was the reigning champion in the event.
(Asian Games 2023 medals tally | Asian Games 2023 Full Schedule)
Other than that, it was a great day for the Indian players in the tennis doubles event at the Asian Games in Hangzhou as the duo of Saketh Myneni-Ramkumar Ramanathan and Rutuja Sampatrao Bhosale-Karman Kaur Thandi clinched a win on Monday.
In the Men’s doubles round 2 match, the Indian duo defeated Indonesia’s Ignatius Anthony Susanto and David Agung Susanto in just two sets. In the first set, Saketh-Ramkumar won by 3-6, and in the last one, they won by 2-6.
In the Women’s doubles round 1 match, the Bhosale-Thandi duo beat Kazakhstan’s Zhanel Rustemova and Aruzhan Sagandykova. The Indian shuttlers won the match in just two sets, the first set ended at 6-4, and the last one at 6-2.
Earlier in the day, the Indian players also shined in the singles tennis event as Ankita Raina, Rutruja Bhosale, and Ramkumar Ramanathan reached the pre-quarterfinals stage in the Asian Games 2023 on Monday.
Ankita defeated Uzbekistan’s Sabrina Olimjonova in the round of 32 match by 6-0, 6-0 in two straight sets of 51 minutes.
Meanwhile, Bhosale beat Kazakhstan’s Aruzhan Sagandykova by 7-6 (2), 6-2. The first set saw a tiebreaker and the second set ended in 45 minutes.
On the other hand, Ramkumar was given a walkover by his opponent Sunatullo Isroilov of Tajikistan as he was unable to compete.
In the history of the Asian Games, India has clinched 32 medals in tennis, nine gold medals, six silver medals, and 17 bronze medals.
India have so far won 10 medal at these Asian Games including one Gold won in the men’s 10m Air Rifle Team event.
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